Wednesday 29 June 2016

Healthy Lifestyle: Activities and Benefits

Living a healthy lifestyle is becoming physically fit and observing proper diet. We cannot possibly become healthy just by eating healthy food alone. On the other hand, one cannot also claim living a healthy lifestyle if little or almost no time at all is spent on some physical activities. A healthy lifestyle, therefore, is a good balance of both.

Living a healthy lifestyle is becoming physically fit and observing proper diet. We cannot possibly become healthy just by eating healthy food alone. On the other hand, one cannot also claim living a healthy lifestyle if little or almost no time at all is spent on some physical activities. A healthy lifestyle, therefore, is a good balance of both.

Saudi Arabia, like any other places in the world, is one country in which healthy lifestyle should continuously be encouraged. With people getting busier on their daily tasks, getting physically active and fit is almost or actually forgotten.

Much as you wanted to opt for a proper, nutritious diet to become healthy, you need to be just as serious in engaging into physical activities and workouts.

Mixing Workout and Training Programs

We are all capable of harboring fats inside our body. Inactive lifestyle and improper eating habits result to accumulation of fat in various areas such as thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and arms. Apart from the fat build-up, sedentary living can also cause a number of unwanted health risks such as obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. To give your body a chance to fight these issues, exercise and healthy diet should be regularly practiced.

People might think that there is only one kind of exercise, the sweaty exercise. However, an exercise should be composed of three training programs: cardiovascular training, resistance or strength training, and flexibility. Ideally, an exercise program should include these three workout regime in order to ensure a holistic and balanced workout.

Endurance Workouts
Cardio workouts are also known as endurance training. This type of training is conducted in order to strengthen the heart and lungs. Typically, it involves activities such as swimming, aerobics, walking, and running.

 Resistance/ Strength Training
While cardio exercise focuses on the heart and lungs, resistance training is done in order to build up and toughen the muscle tissues. It also helps eliminate body fats stored in the body. Resistance training is synonymous to weight lifting as this type of exercise involves the use of resistance bands, dumbbells, and machines.

Stretching or flexibility training is less arduous than the first two exercise groups. More often, flexibility workout is done after the cardio and resistance training. It helps cool down the muscle and reduce the tension in your body after a hard workout. Activities such as yoga and Pilates are great in developing your body's flexibility and promoting relaxation.

Reaping the Rewards of Being in Shape

Apart from keeping the body's functionality and fitness, an active lifestyle and a healthy diet can decrease the possibilities of acquiring health problems such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and heart diseases. Moreover, they keep the body in tune through diligent burning of body fats and building of muscles.

Other benefits of incorporating exercise in one's lifestyle include:

Reduce Stress and Depression
Having an active lifestyle reduces the body's stress levels and eliminates depression. Since endorphins and other opioid peptides increase during workouts, depression and stress are gradually removed and an improvement in mood and self-esteem is observed.

Increased Metabolism
Since an active exercise requires energy, the body's metabolism increases to sustain the needed energy. Also, workouts encourage the burning of excess fats in the body as well as building up of muscle tissues.

 Improvement in Sleeping Patterns
Continuous exercise and development of a dynamic living habits help in maintaining a favorable sleeping routine. Moreover, it also aids in reducing sleep disorders such as insomnia and broken sleeping patterns.

 Increase in Brain Functionality
Exercise and constant workout ensure the efficient function of the brain. The constant circulation of oxygen rich-blood in the brain helps reduce brain-bound free radicals and improves cognition and mental awareness.

With all these benefitsHealth Fitness Articles, who would not want to get active? Don't worry if you have spent five years of your life being a couch potato. Having an active and healthy lifestyle is never too late if you will start now.

Author:Dr. Badr Moukhtar Alshibani 

Effective Ways to Control Diabetes and Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Type1 diabetes occurs due to low insulin production, Type 2 diabetes occurs due to cell growing resistant to insulin and gestational diabetes is the result of pregnancy in many women who never have had a history of diabetes before. Factors like heredity, stress and anxiety, obesity, immobility, over-intake of carbohydrates, nutritional deficiencies, and pancreatic disorders contribute to diabetes. Diabetes if not arrested in time can lead to serious complications pertaining to heart, kidneys, retina and nervous system.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

1. Frequent urination
2. Increased hunger
3. Increased thirst
4. Fatigue
5. Irritability
6. Weight loss
7. Poor wound healing
8. Susceptibility to infections


Probable causes of Diabetes can be listed as

1. Genetic factors
2. Excessive consumption of junk and processed food
3. Too much intake of refined sugar and carbohydrates
4. Obesity
5. Sedentary lifestyle
6. Pregnancy can cause diabetes in few cases

Effective Ways to Control Diabetes

Medicines for diabetes are usually quite expensive. To get the best deal on diabetes supplements and remedies, the patient must be aware of the market rates of the supplements he or she has been asked to take by a medical practitioner. The patient must be aware of rebate programs, free shipping or discount coupons given for the medicines by many websites. This would lower the price of medicines considerably.

1. One may treat diabetes naturally with the help of natural herbal supplements like diabkil capsules etc making use of herbs like neem, fenugreek, bitter melon, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, ginkgo biloba, Asian ginseng, bilberry etc.

2. Medicines like oral pills and insulin therapy as suggested by doctor can also reverse diabetic complications.

3. Gymnema extracts stimulate pancreas to produce more insulin, and lower the patient's craze for sweets.

4. There are many home remedies that are very effective in managing and controlling diabetes. One can try these remedies to balance blood sugar levels. These remedies are completely natural, safe and effective and can considerably help diabetic patients in managing the disease.

Diabetes if not controlled timely, can be quite lethal in nature, affecting and damaging heart, blood vessels, kidneysArticle Submission, retina of eyes and the nervous system. Control your diabetes and blood sugar levels and live a healthier and longer life.

Author: Ryan Mutt

Monday 27 June 2016

Lifestyle Diseases: An Emerging Epidemic Which Needs Urgent Attention!!!!

Lifestyle diseases (also sometimes called diseases of longevity or diseases of civilization) are diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer. Such diseases do not spread from one person to another through touch, air, food, water or sexual contacts. These diseases may develop in a person due to faulty eating and living habits. Lifestyle diseases can be prevented by small but persistent changes in lifestyle.
What is a lifestyle? 
A lifestyle is the pattern of living that we follow - how we work, what and when we eat, how and when we sleep, how much physical activity we do and whether we smoke or consume alcohol.

What is a disease?
A disease is a pathological condition that affects an organism, and is often associated with specific symptoms and signs. Long standing or chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity may not have symptoms or signs, but are known to cause serious complications if untreated in the long term.

What are Lifestyle diseases?
Diseases are of several types ie genetic, cancers etc, but the most common types of diseases are:
1. Communicable or Infectious diseases: develop due to spread of infections
2. Noncommunicable or Lifestyle diseases: Some diseases do not spread from one person to another through touch, air, food, water or sexual contacts. These diseases may develop in a person due to faulty eating and living habits. These diseases are called life style diseases. 
Lifestyle diseases (also sometimes called diseases of longevity or diseases of civilization) are diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer.
Lifestyle or non-communicable diseases(NCD) are chronic (long term) in nature and cause dysfunction in the body and impair the quality of life. They may also lead to death. These diseases usually develop relatively over long periods. In the beginning there may not be any symptoms but after the disease sets in there may be a long period of impaired health. This leads to reduction in productivity and development of the country. As these are chronic conditions they are a financial burden for lifetime. Therefore, there is an increasing concern these days about lifestyle diseases that can be easily prevented but not cured. 
Lifestyle disease potentially can be prevented by changes in diet, environment, and lifestyle. 

Which are the common diseases occurring due to disturbed lifestyle? 
Some of the most common lifestyle diseases include:
Type 2 diabetes
GERD & Hiatus Hernia
Dyspepsia(Indigestion), Constipation
Heart disease
Some types of cancers 
Metabolic syndrome
Fatty Liver, NASH, Liver cirrhosis
Chronic renal failure
Chronic obstructive lung disease
Alzheimer’s disease

What are the factors responsible for Lifestyle diseases?    
Diet and lifestyle are major factors thought to influence susceptibility to many diseases. Drug abuse, tobacco smoking, and alcohol drinking, as well as a lack of exercise may also increase the risk of developing certain diseases, especially later in life. 
You must have observed that 
i) More and more young people are seen smoking and drinking despite knowing the fact that these are harmful to health. 
ii) Our nutritious and balanced meals are giving way to fast food and junk food, fresh fruits and vegetables are being rejected in favour of processed and packed food and soft drinks are replacing milk. 
iii) We prefer to use a motorbike or car instead of walking even for short distances. 
iv) More and more machines are being developed each day to reduce physical labour associated with our work. 
All the above practices have led to our becoming overweight and obese. Obesity is excess body-weight than normal or ideal weight for our height. Obesity is the main underlying causes for other lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc. 

The lifestyle factors associated with these diseases can be of two types
1. Modifiable (those that can be changed) like food habits, physical activity level, addiction (smoking, tobacco and alcohol) and stress. 
2. Non-modifiable (those that cannot be changed) like age and heredity. 

Are Lifestyle diseases on the rise in India?
The health of youth is getting affected by three factors: People are getting busier with their jobs, technology is leading to changes in sleep and lifestyle patterns, and with more disposable income health has taken a back seat as they give attention to other things. Social prosperity comes with inherent health risks. The nature of diseases too changes – emanating from depravity to excess of nutrition. In the last 25-30 years, our society has evolved and hence it is obvious that ongoing risks will also emerge. 
Lifestyle diseases are on a tremendous rise in India, especially in the young productive age group. I personally see at least 4-5 young patients daily with lifestyle disease. This has inspired me to write about this problem.

Do lifestyle diseases occur only in the rich?
India is projected to experience more deaths from NCDs such as heart diseases, diabetes and cancer than any other country over the next decade. It is usually believed that such diseases are far more common among the rich, especially in developing countries like India, which still have a high burden of infectious diseases.
The poor in India don’t suffer from fewer “lifestyle diseases” than the rich — they just don’t know it. A new study shows that the actual prevalence of common non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is far higher among the poor than they report, and is as high if not higher among the poor than among the rich.
What can we learn from the experience of Western countries? 
In many Western countries, people began to eat more meat, dairy products, vegetable oils, sugary foods, and alcoholic beverages during the latter half of the 20th century. People also developed sedentary lifestyles and greater rates of obesity. Rates of colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, endometrial cancer and lung cancer started increasing after this dietary change. People in developing countries, whose diets still depend largely on low-sugar starchy foods with little meat or fat have lower rates of these cancers. It is time we learn from these experiences of the west, and do not allow excessive westernization to affect our lifestyles and predispose us to more deadly lifestyle diseases.

How to prevent Lifestyle disorders?
The good news is that Lifestyle diseases can be prevented by small but persistent changes in lifestyle. For prevention of life style diseases, people need to change their habits in the direction of healthier living. You can do a lot to prevent the occurrence of lifestyle diseases.
TEN healthy tips are:- 
i) Take up regular exercise like walking, yoga, dancing, aerobics or cycling one hour a day.
ii) Use stair-case instead of lift or escalator as far as you can.
iii) Take a balanced diet at proper meal times. Do not over-eat. 
iv)  Avoid processed and packaged foods that are rich in sugar, fats, salt and calories and low in      fiber, good quality protein, minerals (iron and calcium) and vitamins. 
v) Eat whole grains like cereals (wheat, whole wheat flour), millets (jowar, bajra) and avoid refined foods like maida. 
vi) Eat 400 - 500 gms of seasonal fruits and vegetables in a day. 
vii) Drink plenty of water. 
viii) Practice yoga or meditation to avoid stress in life. 
ix) Keep away from Smoking, Tobaccco and drinking alcohol. 
x) Spend less time in sitting and watching television and pursue outdoor games and activities like gardening, playing a sport like football, cricket and badminton. 
You can educate people around you regarding healthy lifestyle practices. It is possible to keep these diseases under control, if you make sensible alteration in your lifestyle.

What can we learn from Ayurveda for a healthy and balanced lifestyle?
Basically, a particular lifestyle of person is a cumulative product of his/her physical capacity co-ordinated with psychological functioning, displayed in the form of habits, behaviour, dietary and living pattern based on his own training sought from childhood, and mimicries he gained from his immediate companions including parents, siblings, peers, etc. Thus, it involves a pure psychological and innate control over the physical and sensory activities. When this initiation, control, and co-ordination are disturbed, it leads to the derangement of lifestyle and results in any lifestyle disorder. Ayurveda narrated this phenomenon as ‘Prajnaparadha’ (intellectual blasphemy). In the management of lifestyle diseases, Ayurveda offers various regimens including Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), Panchakarma (five detoxification and bio-purification therapies), and Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapies. The Sadvritta (ideal routines) and Aachara Rasayana (code of conduct) are utmost important to maintain a healthy and happy psychological perspective. The inclusive utilization of all these treatment modalities has a great effect on lifestyle disorders.

What is the future prediction for Lifestyle disorders?
A report on non-communicable diseases released by the World Health Organization (WHO) recently, paints a grim picture of India. The risk of dying from a non-communicable disease (NCD) for persons aged between 30 and 70 years in India is as high as 26 per cent, according to a report released by WHO recently. What’s more, Indian males are more prone to dying of these diseases than women. The number of people suffering from the four main NCDs—heart diseases, all types of cancers, respiratory diseases and diabetes is also high. This challenges the notion that NCDs primarily occur among older adults.
The report shows that India does not have in place either a multi sectoral plan to reduce NCDs in relation with risk factors, or a proper monitoring and surveillance system. The country also lacks a national population-based cancer registry.

If one considers the global picture, developing countries show dismal performance. “Our latest data show that 85 per cent of premature deaths from NCDs occur in developing countries. The challenges presented by these diseases are enormous,” said WHO Director-General, Margaret Chan.

Thirty-eight million people die each year from the four main NCDs. Over 14 million deaths from NCDs occur between the ages of 30 and 70, of which 85 per cent are in developing countries. These premature deaths are largely preventable by governments implementing simple measures which reduce risk factors for NCDs and enable health systems to respond, says the report.

The report notes that the number of NCD deaths has increased worldwide and in every region since 2000. NCD deaths have increased the most in regions South-East Asia and Western Pacific. "UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a message. "The global epidemic of non-communicable diseases is a major and growing challenge to development."

The international community agreed in 2011 on a Global NCD Action Plan. This plan aims to reduce the number of premature deaths from NCDs by 25 per cent by 2025, in part by addressing factors such as tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity that increase people's risk of developing these diseases.
The UN secretary-general said that "success will depend on finding new ways to strengthen the ability of countries to adopt bolder measures," and called for strong leadership and action from governments and the private sector. 

What can Government and people can do for Lifestyle diseases? 
India is a young country where we are seeing an increasing number of lifestyle diseases. In the future, unless we become self-aware, these diseases are likely to increase on an exponential basis and cause an epidemic in India, and thus it needs urgent attention, not only by the government and NGO, but more importantly by people themselves, and the private healthcare organisations involved in medical care. The need of the hour is to take self-ownership of health.

EducationFree Articles, continuous public awareness and adopting more self-control measures in life are the only ways to manage lifestyle diseases. Meanwhile healthcare providers have a great responsibility to ensure that the best advice and treatment are provided to patients.

Author: Dr.Sanjiv Haribhakti

Do You Need To Know About Natural Constipation Treatments?

All around the globe, there are still a great portion of the population who believe in the efficacy of natural constipation treatments. This is despite the existence of over-the-counter and prescribed medications. 

Constipation can be a great nuisance especially if you are someone who pays importance to time. Just imagine if you have to attend a conference or an appointment with a client, how would you handle the trouble your stomach is giving you? Surely, nobody dreams of this experience. 

The problem with being constipated is that you wouldn’t really know what might have caused it. So far, people often point at two things whenever constipation symptoms attack them. These two are stress and foods that cause constipation. 

However, for chronic constipation, doctors may point to other causes. Severe constipation could be a result of a gastric problem that you are not aware of. 

If you have this problem, you should not wait too much time before giving your doctor a visit. But for normal cases, you can consider some of the recommended natural constipation treatments. 

With the existing natural remedies for constipation, it is almost impossible that you will not find one that can give you continuous constipation relief. Moreover, with the various references that we have now, it is very unlikely that you’ll have hard time looking for cures for constipation. 

As you search for a treatment, do not forget to start from your home. That is because every family knows a natural cure for something that others may not be aware of. Ask your mom or grandparents if they can suggest you anything before looking for solutions somewhere else. 

For some of the widely used natural constipation treatments, you may refer to books and the internet. Moreover, you may seek advice from your doctor, an alternative doctor or even your friends and other people that you know. 

Surely, if you will ask them what to do for constipation, you’ll come up with multiple remedies for bloating and bowel movement problems. 

On the other hand, while you are on the process of searching for natural constipation remedies, here are some alternative solutions that you can follow. These are inexpensive and simple processes that will keep you away from abdominal pains due to constipation. 

Above anything else, make sure that you have enough fluid in your body. For that, you have to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Aside from water, you can also enjoy prune juice to cure your bowel problem. 

Moreover, stuff your body with food that is rich in fiber. This will help you improve your digestion. Having an apple an hour after eating will stabilize your digestion. Papayas and guavas with their seeds are two more fruits that you can enjoy to stop your constipation problem. 

You can also count on some spices and oils in resolving your obstructed bowel worry. You can grind almond, sunflower, sesame and linseed then mix them with your food. 

Natural constipation treatments are great alternative to taking laxatives and avoiding their negative effects. However, seeing a doctor is still the best solution if you are suffering from recurring bloating and pain in the stomach.

Author: Rudy Silva

Sunday 26 June 2016

Does Menopause Increase Risk of Diabetes?

It is an idea that has been hinted at for some time, and its answer is important for all middle-aged women. Does menopause influence one's risk for type 2 diabetes? With the latest health news, it's time to don a smile, because researchers found the answer to be "no." 

Postmenopausal women had no higher risk for diabetes whether they experienced natural menopause or had their ovaries removed,according to the national clinical trial of 1,237 women at high risk for diabetes, ages 40 to 65. 

In other words, menopause had no additional effect on risk for diabetes. Menopause remains one of many small steps in aging and it doesn't mean women's health will be worse after going through this transition. The results are published in the August issue of "Menopause." 

The findings also shed light on the impact of diet and exercise and hormone replacement therapy on the health of postmenopausal women. Previous studies had shown that menopause could speed the progression to diabetes because of the higher levels of testosterone. All the women in the study had "glucose intolerance," meaning their bodies struggled to process blood sugar into energy. 

The researchers have shown that lifestyle interventions can help prevent diabetes in those with glucose intolerance.These interventions work well in women who have gone through menopause. 

According to the new study, for every year 100 women observed, 11.8 premenopausal women developed diabetes, compared to 10.5 among women in natural menopause and 12.9 cases among women who had their ovaries removed. 

But for those who had their ovaries removed and engaged in lifestyle changes, the rate of diabetes plummeted to 1.1. Those changes included losing seven percent of their body weight (that would be 12.6 pounds for a 180-pound woman) and exercising for at least 150 minutes a week. 

They found these results surprising, as the women had gone on hormone  replacement therapy, which many fear escalates the risk for many health issues. The message to take away from this is that lifestyle changes to shed pounds could reduce your risk of developing diabetes.

Author: Dr. Victor Marchione

Friday 24 June 2016

Natural Acne Scars Remedies - Common Sense Prevails

Acne is one of those things that everybody seems to get at one point or another, and yet nobody really likes it. While some cases are mild, other cases are quite severe and can lead to visible scarring. So, not only do these people have to suffer through a bad outbreak of acne, they then have to live with the scars for the rest of their lives. Or do they? The answer to that is no they don't, or at least they can try any number of acne scars remedies that will minimize the scars that are there. Not all of these treatments will work the same on everybody, but they are worth trying if it means you can feel better about yourself. 

One of the best known remedies for acne scars is citrus juice. You can apply the juice of a lemon or lime directly to the problem areas. However, some people find that pure citrus juice irritates their skin, so you may want to try different dilutions until you find the one that's best for you. Apply it once or twice a day for several weeks and see how much lighter your scars look. It can take quite a while, but if it just doesn't seem to be working for you, then you can try other acne scars remedies. 

A lot of people swear by olive oil for making their acne scars less visible. In fact, there are any number of different oils that you can try. Simply massage the oil into the scar and the surrounding area, and let it sit. This helps to soften and moisturize the skin which can help diminish the visibility of acne scarring. 

Here's a natural remedy for acne that you may not be familiar with: tomatoes! That's right. Tomatoes are high in Vitamin A which keeps the body from producing too much sebum, which is the substance that is largely responsible for acne to begin with. Tomatoes are also rich in antioxidants which are beneficial for repairing the skin. 

One of the most soothing acne scars remedies is a mixture of rose water and sandalwood. Simply add a few drops of the rose water to the sandalwood until it is at a paste like consistency. Then put the resulting paste directly on the scars and let it sit for about an hour. This is generally very gentle on the skin, so you can even leave it on as you sleep. 

You have to be more careful if you are currently experiencing an acne outbreak, as you shouldn't let any foreign material (such as any of the above ingredients we've talked about) get into the sores. Not only can it be irritating, but it can also make the acne worse. However, if you need immediate comfort, you may want to try an icepack to help cool and temporarily tighten the skin. 

While a lot of people have found success with the above acne scars treatments, you should always consult with a qualified medical professional before doing anything that has to do with your health.

Author: Robert Taylor

Thursday 23 June 2016

Taking a Chance on Healthy Living!

One of the most important aspects of living a healthy and prosperous life is understanding "risk." By this I mean knowing how to understand and analyze situations in life that affect health. Being able to accurately weigh benefits and risks when making health decisions is very important! Too often decisions are based on incomplete or inaccurate information and this is a huge mistake with significant consequences!

Failure to accurately assess risk keeps people locked in all kinds of unhealthy situations including poor eating and exercise habits (lifestyle), relationships and jobs. Sometimes people are just afraid to step out and make a change. They see "risk" in making a change when the REAL risk comes from NOT making a change. From my perspective, living with the stress, unhappiness and frustration of indecision and poor health is the greatest risk of all, and one that is definitely not worth taking!

Accessing "risk" is nothing more than collecting information, weighing the alternatives and then making appropriate decisions based on the information.

Some risks to our health are more "real" than others. For example, it is common knowledge that obesity is associated with a wide variety of health problems. On the other hand, there are some health risks that are so remote we rarely think about them. On a practical level, eating highly processed foods and avoiding a daily dose of fresh fruits and vegetables is rarely considered serious. But, as too many have already discovered, the long range consequences of this practice are real and devastating.

Failure to accurately assess risk limits us in many ways. We imagine the "risk" of talking with our children about drugs, dating or sex and we put off having the "talk," even though the risks of NOT talking are infinitely greater. Fear of flying and public speaking are two more "risks" affecting millions of people. But practically speaking, these fears are unfounded. People ride in cars every day, even though cars are far more dangerous than commercial aircraft! It's a failure to accurately assess risk, and it limits our health, prosperity and pleasure in life.

The goods news is that failure to accurately access risk is reversible! The effects of those decisions to eat inappropriately or NOT to exercise are, as the common expression goes, "do-overs." We can effect positive change in our lives by following a few simple steps to accurately access risk:

1. Accurately define your present situation and access your health "risks". Are you eating a healthy diet? Are you getting enough exercise and good quality sleep? What are the consequences if you DON'T change? Weigh the benefits of healthier living vs the potential risks such as increased cost, inconvenience or discomfort.

2. What do you stand to gain if you change your present circumstances? Assess the "up-side" potential. Too often we look only at the "downside" risk and forget the benefits. What good things might happen if you take the risk and win?

3. Limit the "down-side" if you happen to make a wrong decision. Don't continue down a path if it does not produce results. This is especially important when following weight loss programs. If the pounds are not coming off or if the weight loss is only temporary, find a new program! You not only want to lose weight, but want to sustain the weight loss for as long as possible. Take steps to ensure this will happen. Clear, concise, realistic objectives will definitely help.

4. Reduce your risk by being smart! Understand the situation and seek the advice of experts in the field of health and nutrition. This includes finding and forming partnerships to receive support and get good advice.

5. Have a fall-back position. If the decision you make fails to produce the desired results, be prepared to take a long, hard look at the circumstances and be prepared to change what you are doing.

Everything in life involves some element of risk. Driving your car, meeting someone new, crossing the street...but we do them every day. Winners in life are willing to accept the risk and continue on their way! Get involved, be smart about how you play the game, come prepared for a few failures along the way, but don't quite. You will reap the benefits for your effort and live a happier and healthier life. I like to remember the words of the great Winston Churchill when he said, "Never, never, never give up!"

Author: Dan Farrell